A widespread belief is that you should show respect to people with more experience than you, which includes the elderly. Also a free-pass for those people to be rude without consequences.
*In a shop*
YOU: *Pull out a gun and aim at the cashier* Don't move, this is a robbery! All money in the bag!
ELDERLY: Excuse me, young man, will this take long? I've been standing in this queue for ten minutes and my back is killing me.
YOU: Oh, I'm sorry, I should have realised. *To the cashier* Please serve this old lady first.
ELDERLY: Thank you for respecting your elders. *Deep inhale* Don't move, this is a robbery…!
by Racoon7 February 5, 2018
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A competitive Super Smash Bro’s Melee diss track created by former Top player Chillindude829 against top player wanna-be William-Leffen-hijelte before there first to 5 money match.
Dustin:Man! Respect your elders is fire!! I can’t believe a competitive smash player made this!
Eric:Too bad the person who made it was destroyed in the match after this song was made.
by 🏙man August 18, 2021
an excuse that old people use to be total jackassess
Old Man- You damn Millenials don't wanna get a job then complain about being poor! Then they complain college is expensive! Back in my day college cost a dime!
Kid- It's because college is expensive and pay is low.
Old Man- You sonny need to respect your elders!
by TheAnonymousGameGuy June 1, 2021
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This means to repect those that exhibit and procalim knowledge derived from experience that far supercedes your own. The election of an elder must be in accordance with tribal rules usually stating that the previous elders nominate the new generation and the population have the final say

Respect your elders It is often misused to insinuate that one should respect those older than you.

u wrong wise
by chainsaw0987 February 11, 2009
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