noun. the act of refining or making refined.
the refinition of her taste was akin to the definition of new words.
by wineought April 9, 2007
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A refinement of a previous definition, or a proposed definition which needs refinement.
So here's my refinition of a first pass at a definition. If anyone has any further refinitions to add that would be great.
by maximus.d April 8, 2011
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An attempt to whistle-blow on social ticks whilst gaining the upper intellectual hand by writing the critique in definitional form. However, that one eats itself.
Hey - I know I should be working but I can't stop thinking about all the possible refinitions. When there's no ref, all ya got left to defend your rights is yo gun?
by daveJonesdaveJones April 1, 2009
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infinitely retarded
what is a refinite

Shi idk 🤷🏽 ♂️
by refinite August 20, 2021
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