Racist is the guy who kicked the black dude in front of him.
Racist is the guy who doesn't like the Jewish.
Racist is the guy who thinks Israel is a demonic country.
Racist is the guy who doesn't like black people.
Racist is the guy who chose Pokémon White.
Racist is the guy who destroyed a Pokémon Black cartridge.
Racist is the guy who is ok with white people.
Racist is the guy who is against Buddhism.
Racist is the guy who is hated.
Racist is the guy who has too many internets.
Racist is the guy who has already been blocked by 28 people.
Racist is the guy who is secretly 11 and stupid.
Racist is the guy that is very lonely.
Racist is the word you shout out in conversations.
Racist is the guy who you slapped the other day.
Racist is the guy who is frowned upon.
by Ryouu December 20, 2012
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A word comparing to no home but instead no racist
White guy: Hey if I touch you will I turn black, no racist
Black guy: WTF
White guy: I called no racist so its not racist
by DylanandRobert October 19, 2010
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When you win an argument against a liberal.
“I think that all lives matter. And that includes black lives.”

OMG NO. Ur racist”
by FuckBiden October 6, 2020
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1. A word that can be used to describe anything or anyone whom doesn’t share the same view points as you.

2. The definition is subject to change to best fit any situation even if it is not racist.
That WHITE person just offered me popcorn. What a racist!
by That’s crazy Aron February 11, 2021
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