Nowadays, what you are called when you've won an argument or proven your point during a discussion about social issues regarding race.
Dude: A lot of these thugs and gang members didn't have a real male role model in their homes growing up.

Person-of-Color Dude: Fuck you! these brothers' are keepin' it real!

Dude: 72% of Black children born in the US are done outta wedlock and have no Baby Daddies living in the household.

Person-of-Color Dude: YOU'RE A FUCKIN' RACIST!
by Grimmore May 28, 2010
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Republicans Are Cool I Support Trump
Liberal SJW: "Hey thats racist!"
Conservative patriot: "Thanks, I think republicans are cool too and I support Trump as well."
by Victor Koolaid August 31, 2018
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A racist is a person who wins an argument against a liberal
Shaniqua: OMG, John is such a racist!
Mark: Why what did he do?
Shaniqua: We were arguing about politics, and he said he won the debate
by name definitions for everyone, December 13, 2019
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An overused adjective that is often misused by supporters of BLM, conspiracy theorists, liberals, and other fragile types online who are otherwise unable to logically and rationally defend their misled worldviews. The official definition is "A person who believes in racism, the doctrine that one's own racial group is superior or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others", however, most people will just use it without being able to specifically pinpoint why they believe that someone is racist. This word is usually misused towards someone as a pejorative after they win an argument.
Person 1: I believe that x and I base this on y.
Person 2: RACIST, NOTSEE, FASHIST, e.t.c!!!!!!!!!!!!
Person 1: I'm sorry that you feel this way.
by I_Love_Eating_Drywall May 28, 2021
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Something that ONLY white people are labeled with.
Black man AKA nigger- "Yo that cracker need to show some respec fo all tha shit he did to the niggas. Cracker man keepin me down nigga. (NOT RACIST)

White man- "That black family over there is being very lound and is stinking up the place" (RACIST)

White man- "About 85% of crime is commited by blacks." (RACIST and fact)

Black man- "About 85% of crime is commited by blacks" (NOT RACIST and fact)
by elite andrew March 4, 2010
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Insult used by liberals and minorities against any person or group of persons (mostly light-skinned and "appearing" white) to discredit their argument.
light skinned person - "I think we should reward people based on their character and quality rather than the color of their skin"

Liberal or minority losing the argument - "Well, you are just a colonial oppressor who doesn't want to give up all the advantages you have gained because you are white. You are so racist!"

light skinned person - "My father was a Holocaust survivor and a German Jew. I put myself through college by working 3 jobs."

Liberal or minority losing the argument - "Aha! I knew you were a Nazi!"
by 3 Wolves T-shirt guy November 18, 2010
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Any person that a liberal disagrees with on any subject and is incapable of forming a coherent argument against them.
Liberal: Screw you, RACIST! Broccoli is better than Cauliflower!
by Taaxi May 26, 2021
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