Typically Reddit users use this term and r/wooosh when the joke goes right over your head (when you misinterpret it.)
Person A: Bone Apple Teeth 😍
Person B: It’s Bon Apetit dumbass
Person A: r/whoosh
by imbeciIe July 23, 2018
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a subreddit, commonly used when someone doesn't get a joke and tries to correct the person who told the joke.
guy 1: commas are important people!!
guy 2: commas aren't people.
guy 3: r/whoosh
by hazeltongue January 7, 2019
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It means you didnt get the joke, or you corrected a person who purposely wrote/said the phrase that way. You can add more "o"s when the person totally misunderstood or corrected the joke that shouldn't have been corrected, and that will be "r/whooosh" or "r/whooooosh" etc.
A: - I can see you're not the best student
B: - Is you blind?
C: -*ARE you blind dumbass

B: - r/whoosh
by Jimin is a cutie fight me February 7, 2019
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Something adolescents make this reply to someone who doesn't get a sarcastic joke even though it's said through text.

My def of humor:
I love dry humor. Yet I don't shame my friend who doesn't understand sarcasm through text. Sarcasm is usually identified with a tone of voice.
Sometimes though, the people who didn't get the joke can be assholes and call the person an idiot because they legitimately don't think they understand, which I don't agree with.
Yet sometimes, people are just correcting them, and that doesn't mean they're being assholes. They're not a moron for not understanding a sarcastic joke through text, emphasis on "through text."
Mature people wouldn't get so pissy about something so small. They don't understand humor? Look whose talking. Humor is all about perspective. It won't be a joke for some. So what? You make a bigger deal about it then they do. If you can't handle being corrected, or someone being offended, don't make a joke. Humor can be tough since it's up to the person you say it to. Not everybody thinks the same. Being sarcastic through text maybe works with friends and family, since they know you. But if you expect that from random people, you're setting yourself up for failure. If you expect that, go take a walk and watch your ego.
The title I've seen for r/whoosh is "When satire and morons mix" or something so let that sink in.
I grew up with toxic, manipulative people so try to understand that this really grinds my gears.
"r/whoosh bad" - Monkey
by speakup23 December 8, 2020
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a misspell of r/woooosh normally, and usually get corrected with r/woooosh
A non-redditor : r/whoosh! haha
A redditor : r/woosh with 4os
A non-redditor : what?
by whistony wisey August 15, 2019
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Something adolescents make this reply to someone who doesn't get a sarcastic joke even though it's said through text.

My def of humor:
I love dry humor. Yet I don't shame my friend who doesn't understand sarcasm through text. Sarcasm is usually identified with a tone of voice.
Sometimes though, the people who didn't get the joke can be assholes and call the person an idiot because they legitimately don't think they understand, which I don't agree with.
Yet sometimes, people are just correcting them, and that doesn't mean they're being assholes. They're not a moron for not understanding a sarcastic joke through text, emphasis on "through text."
Mature people wouldn't get so pissy about something so small. They don't understand humor? Look whose talking. Humor is all about perspective. It won't be a joke for some. So what? You make a bigger deal about it then they do. If you can't handle being corrected, or someone being offended, don't make a joke. Humor can be tough since it's up to the person you say it to. Not everybody thinks the same. Being sarcastic through text maybe works with friends and family, since they know you. But if you expect that from random people, you're setting yourself up for failure. If you expect that, go take a walk and watch your ego.
The title I've seen for r/whoosh is "When satire and morons mix" or something so let that sink in.
I grew up with toxic, manipulative people so try to understand that this really grinds my gears.
"r/whoosh bad" - Monkey
by speakup23 December 8, 2020
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