push push

push push means to have sex
last night me and my girl had mad push push
by stefo57 December 16, 2005
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push push

" ahh gurl! last night i had me some crazy push push!"
by mr. fupa king September 2, 2006
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Push Push Push

Hype beast’s best friend. The phrase you yell at the boys to attack alcohol. The enemy is down and you gotta push it.
by Jellyman4000 July 10, 2021
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push push in the bush

The male action while partaking in intercourse.
Last night, I enjoyed a little push push in the bush with that girl in my Chem class.
by TRS October 14, 2005
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Push Push Push

Hype beast’s best friend. The phrase you yell when the boys need to attack alcohol. The enemy is down, you have a chance, you MUST push.
Shots on me! Push push push then we are going to the next bar!
by Jellyman4000 July 10, 2021
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