To delay or postpone action;
Put off doing something till you have had coffee!
I procaffeinated this morning before cleaning the house.
by fyregoose! March 16, 2014
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(v.) To delay or postpone action; put off doing something until you've had coffee.
I put the 'pro' in procaffeinate.
by LostBumblebee July 21, 2014
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The tendency to not start anything until you've had a cup of coffee.
Dude where have you been the two days?
I was procaffeinating going to the shop, but I was out of coffee.
by Raichev February 18, 2018
Person who use delay or postpone action; put off doing something until you've had coffee.
*I put the 'pro' in procaffeinative
My brother behaves filthy and procaffinative at mornings.
by J.Agman November 30, 2017
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