The frothy mixture of both male and female ejaculate fluids that appears on your bed post coitus. This mixture generally leads to an argument over which sexual partner sleeps on which side of the bed. In turn this may lead to anger sex creating enough sex porridge to open up a soup kitchen
Man: "Wow that was incredible sex... I think I want the wall side of the bed."
Woman: "No I'm sleeping on the wall side... I have enough sex porridge on this side to offer customers the soup of the day."
Woman: "No I'm sleeping on the wall side... I have enough sex porridge on this side to offer customers the soup of the day."
by SnakeJunior June 13, 2013
I went with this girl last night and lobbed a batch of sausage porridge all over her face and gave her an organic face wash
by Glokenspink March 15, 2013
by DrNegroLsd May 23, 2016
A condition that results in the soiling of female undergarments due to extreme sexual excitement. This results in the kickers appearing to have a porridge like colour and texture stained into them.
I brought a durty yoke home from the Lodge last night and she was foaming at the gash - serious case of porridge knickers lying on my floor in the morning.
by Paulie Cee December 6, 2010
Nick: Dude, I heard Abi has been fucking Will recently!
Matt: Yeah man, it's true! He's been poking her with his porridge pistol for the last fortnight.
Matt: Yeah man, it's true! He's been poking her with his porridge pistol for the last fortnight.
by CPalilnuem January 25, 2012
A Jamestown porridge is the act of vomiting into a womans ass, adding kraft dinner mix, inserting your penis and jizzing profusesly. The sloppy contents of this anal soup should have an anema effect, causing her to shit uncontrollably. You and your damsel then invite some of your friends over, for a nice steamy lunch.
"Mmm, lawdy. I sure could go for some Jamestown porridge right about now you guise."
"Jamestown porridge again!?! but MOOOOOOOOM.."
"Jamestown porridge again!?! but MOOOOOOOOM.."
by TheBigfilthy April 30, 2009
A porridge cannon is where you spread your cheeks while bending over to spray faeces at people for fun. for best results eat lots of dogdy food on a seedy sunday
Jerrome was always hogging the toilet so i kicked the door in and blasted him with my porridge cannon.
Adrian's porridge cannon was leaking so he had to see a doctor before it seized up
I would let mel gibson eat a bowl of cereal out of my porridge cannon any day
Adrian's porridge cannon was leaking so he had to see a doctor before it seized up
I would let mel gibson eat a bowl of cereal out of my porridge cannon any day
by F-Bang August 25, 2009