a lesbian that vigorously enjoys vagina
dustin:Dood, Tiffany is such a POONDYKER.
by jamie bojangles October 29, 2006
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a lesbian that vigorously enjoys vagina
dustin:Dood, Tiffany is such a POONDYKER.
by jamie bojangles October 29, 2006
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The poon of a dyke. Usually resembles a massive pile of cobwebs.
Barba: Damn cuz, that chick totally just turned me down, the tramp.

Jamal: *walks over to chick, pulls down her skirt, and walks back beside Barba*. Yep, just what I thought.

Barba: What cuz?

Jamal: Poondyke. No straight b*tch would turn your arse down.
by Jarrad Hickey May 19, 2010
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