n. portmanteau of podcast and dedication. Reminiscent of the days of terrestrial radio shows that allowed people call or write in to dedicate a song to a friend or significant other - in the digital age of on-demand media, a podication is asking a podcast to dedicate the episode to someone or something one wishes to honor.
Host: Here's an email from one of our loyal listeners. They write 'Dear Geoff and Annabel, can I get a podication for my best friend Adrian. It has been months since we have gone out for drinks, and I just want them to know I am thinking of them'.
by JRadimus December 9, 2020
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n. a portmanteau of podcast and dedication. In the heyday of terrestrial radio, hosts would take calls or letters from listeners asking the host to dedicate a song to someone they cared about. A podication is submitting a request to a podcast asking for an episode of the show to be dedicated to someone or something significant in your life.
Host: Here's an email from one of our loyal listeners. They write 'Dear Geoff and Annabel, can I get a podication for my best friend Adrian. It has been months since we have gone out for drinks, and I just want them to know I am thinking of them'.
by JRadimus December 9, 2020
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