MaleTroll : SMD!
FemaleTroll : LMV!
Troll : PMN!
by Jesse Slaughter July 25, 2010
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pinch my nose ----->smh
All the Chick-Fil-A is gone!?!?!!


You crapped in my backpack!?!?
by jackthereapertimesseventeen November 3, 2010
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PMN is the noobiest weapon in All Socom games, from Socom 1, 2, 3, CA. All the Terrorist will camp like a pussy and wait till boom like everyone gives a shit. Seals have to like waste their grenade just so they can pass a shit ass PMN. They don't even come out till they've been seen like a gay ass noobs don't want to fight.
Terrorist: Lemme plant this PMN Mines cause I'm a noob. This will blow those seal fags.

Seal: Damn! They have PMN!!!! Outgoing!! Grenade!

Terrorist: Loser, my PMN is on the other side dumbass.

Seal: Fuuuuuuuu!!!!
by MVP_94 January 16, 2013
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