The growing acceptability of having absolutely no education at all
There seems to be an outbreak of the ebonic plague in here. I can't understand a damn word these idiots are babbling
by sideshow July 15, 2003
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Plague Ships carried either the dead or people dying with an infectious disease so as not to infect other members of society. Said ships had ways of identifying themselves to passing ships so they knew not to make contact with the ship.
The plague ship leaving port has people who are dying on it.
by Naddie January 15, 2007
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the illness contracted after one comes home from an anime convention, usually caused by lack of sleep, shitty diet and screaming/ shouting for three or more days straight.

specific conventions have different names for it. kitacon, for example, calls it kit-aids.
person 1: how was anime matsuri?

person 2: awesome! the concert was badass, but i think i got the dreaded con plague. D:
by zonbiie April 5, 2010
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The Twilight Plague, also known as the Twilight Epedimic, is a mentally damaging disease that mainly affects teenage girls and boys. The disease emerged in 2006, and is characterized by severe obsession over a series of books by Stephanie Meyer. Other symptoms include but are not limited to: severe obsession over mythological creatures and characters in the book, taking quizzes online, taking over discussion boards, and verbally attacking anyone who says unfavorable things about the books.
Travis: "Would you say that I am a vampire or a werewolf?"
Megan: "..Oh great, you've been afflicted by the Twilight Plague."
by Druqks September 13, 2008
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A homosexual male who has tested positive for the HIV/AIDS virus.
Stay away from that plague carrier Bob, even if you aren't gay he will still try and infect you!
by Bandit.Keith February 13, 2018
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Plague Inc is an awesome iOS game that involves you controlling different diseases, including viruses, fungi, parasites, prions, and fictional diseases, such as neurax worms, and necroa viruses. When you start, you choose what country to infect, and with DNA points, you can upgrade transmissions, symptoms, and abilities to try to infect and kill every human on Earth. It has generally pretty popular, on the App Store and extremely fun.
"Have you unlocked nano-viruses yet on Plague Inc?"
No, not yet, I'm still working on parasites, but it's still really fun."
by Party Rocker 178 July 23, 2014
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