The phenomenon of when your penis retreats and (in the process) pinches all of the foreskin on its way down. This often happens while seated at the dinner table or in other situations where you can't tend to your pinch penis.
My pinch penis was really bad at the in-laws dinner table the other night!
by LeDapperFapper May 15, 2016
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The professional maneuver of crouching into a threatening crab-like stance, clasping the fingers and thumb into a crab-like claw, yelling the phrase "penis pinch", and quickly approaching the crotch of an unsuspecting victim.
Jeremiah: Penis pinch!
Farquois: Ow!!
by tox0tes July 11, 2008
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A popular challenge in which one pinches one foreskin followed by urinating causing the foreskin to inflate like a balloon. One then rushes to the bathroom to dispose of the urine in the urinal without it leaking.
Chads peepee leaked therefore he failed the penie pinch challenge.
by Hankywienieman May 8, 2018
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