The main argotic procedure in the English language. There are several versions of it, but the principle remains the same: to dissimulate the original message with a stable parasitic code surrounding each syllables of that original message. Pig-latin is a strictly verbal argot.
Smgokl-smfuckl-smyourkl-smselfkl is "Go fuck yourself" in a specific variety of pig-latin
by Ysengrim January 3, 2004
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When you take the first letter of then say it then add the first letter at the end and say ay
Nina:ihay aylatay

Tayla:eyhay inanay
Jamie:are you guys speaking pig Latin
by Taytay_ms_o July 27, 2018
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Pig Latin is not actually a language but a language game that children (and some adults) use to speak “in code.” Pig Latin words are formed by altering words in English. ... Now add “ay” to the end of the word: Efinitionday
Do you speak Pig Latin
by Someone that doesn’t matter February 22, 2019
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Pig Latin, is a language game played in English speaking countries.
Joe: iyay owknay igpay atinlay.

Swanson: Well I don't know Pig Latin, so back off.
by diamondboy5860dictionary May 11, 2021
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Pig latin is a communication system by putting the first letter of the word, to the back of the word ,and adding "a" to the end of the last letter. This works when our talking, and you don't want that person to understand what your saying.
This is pig latin "Istha is owha ota eakspa igpa atinla"
by swimld June 1, 2017
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A secret language that only 9 year olds understand

can be performed by placing the first letter of the word youre trying to translate into the back of the word and by adding "ay" in the back

sponge = English
pongesay = Pig Latin

(Also see: Grammar Nazi So you could know who are you going to deal with if they hear you)
Person1: Hey wanna talk in pig latin?
Person2: No im not a 9 year old.
by shriekkk December 5, 2018
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if word begins with a vowel then you at 'yay' at the end (ie out becomes outyay)
if word begins witha consonant then you move the consonants to the end but only up to the first vowel, then you add 'ay' to the end(ie streight becomes eightstray)
i cant think of an example = i antcay inkthay ofyay anyay exampleyay
by fresh prince February 15, 2005
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