More than friends, more than siblings, more than blood. It is a special bond between two people that can’t be broken. A form of love that lasts forever. Nephilim who protect one another and are stronger together.

Parabatai Oath:

Entreat me do not leave thee

Or to return from following after thee

For wither thou goest, I will go

And where thou lodgest, I will lodge

Thy people shall be my people
And thy God, my God

Where thou diest, I will die

And there I will be buried
The Angel do so to me, and more also
I aught but death part thee and me
by Tess <3 October 24, 2020
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A pair of warriors who fight together; like brothers
They fought side by side, like true parabatai
by Manofsteel282 August 15, 2014
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Two warriors that see each other like a sibling, they are that close.
Tessa: you are… Parabatai?

Will, grins: well, more like ‘two halves of the same idiot.’
*Jem just smirks and rolls his eyes*
by Cheezpan May 11, 2022
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