A friend, a buddy, a pal. Someone you've known for a while and feel comfortable with. An alternate spelling for 'pally' which, of course, has the same definition. Somewhat commonly used in the 40s, 50s and 60s by the 'cool' people as exemplified by Sinatra's "Rat Pack."
by Real dlc April 3, 2016
"pally" is used to describe friendship, however "pally pally" is mainly used to describe somebody two faced - being buddy buddy to someone's face and being snakey being their backs
by Effy Crouton May 22, 2021
by Danielkool May 20, 2019
by server May 17, 2006
by The Beev September 19, 2007
The best friends in the whole world!
As seen in 'Pallies', from the late 90's sketch show, Mr. Show.
As seen in 'Pallies', from the late 90's sketch show, Mr. Show.
We were a bunch of pallies.
by princepolo April 28, 2010