The term when you hate VSCO girls so much that after they say and i oop you want them to die a slow painful death so you say oop and i (oop and die)
VSCO girl: and i oop
You while you’re choking them to death: OOP AND I
by peppapotato September 2, 2019
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instead of & i oop boys say oop & i
only if they’re a vsco boy
girl: & i oop
boy: no it’s oop i

girls say “& i oop”
boys say “oop & i”
don’t get it mixed up :)
by thevscoqueen September 16, 2019
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something you say when you fart after you farted the first time. The person who invented this was a person who hated Brittanny Spears
oops I farted again. I scared you away.
by pbbts June 12, 2013
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