
A humanoid war machine.Typically in anime science fiction.
We have just recieved a new squadron of nikkes sir !
by ducducmoose November 16, 2022
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Nikk is a cute panda bear. All girls will love this type of panda. It's cute, funny, and has great taste in music. The Nikk panda bears are beautiful, and any person would be lucky to see one.
Blue eyed girl: Aww! Look babe! It's a Nikk!
Blue eyed Boi: It's adorable baby.
by Smiles&Hope(: July 7, 2011
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Chinaman at Bings: I thought giant panda only in china.... but giant panda here in canada!!!!
Kids: dude its just a nikk!!!
by Nazi? July 4, 2010
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The greatest guy a girl could ever hope to meet!
Nikke is just so amazing!
by Finalcabrium June 3, 2019
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Nikk gurr

Another way of saying nig)) if you are of another race than African american or you don't have the n-word pass
by Nikgur May 28, 2019
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The greatest mobile game to ever exist. It’s about dumb flying robots who get shot by badass thicc anime girls called nikkes like Rapi, Volume, Neon and the best one being Anis of course.
“Hey did you get Nikke: Goddess of Victory yet? Anis is the best”

No I’m not a weeb
by MrPerson8 November 7, 2022
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A very amazing mobile game created by Shift Up, a Korean game dev company. It's about saving humanity from dangerous machine-like monsters (known as Raptors). Your ally is full of Nikkes (humanoid war-machines created by humans) that fight those monsters. You are the Commander in the game. The storyline is interesting, it gets me hooked up... and also the soundtracks. The Nikkes are super adorable, and you can improve bonds with them.
Nikke: Goddess of Victory has cute Nikkes like Rapi, Anis, Neon, Volume, Diesel, Privaty, Helm, Rupee, Anne, Emma, Julia, Guillotine, etc. that will kick some Raptor butt.
by LaserImouto January 4, 2023
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