When a native around North battlefield wants to fuck
He babe you wanna go muss in your kookums basement?
by MussAguy December 28, 2017
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“Hey, did you get muss from that girl at the club last night?”
“She’s such a hoe, easy muss.”
“She gave me muss til I passed out
by Aj324! June 28, 2019
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What Redneck boys call a girl who is talking to or going out with a guy. Another word to call a guy's"chick".
Redneck: Hey where's your Muss ?
Asian Boy who thinks he's a redneck: I dont know mann. Shes being kinda mussy right now.
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A common term for cigarettes used by those in the niagara region, often paired with Mug (Coffee). Muss are usually consumed in large quantity in Tim Hortons Parking lots.
"This Aint Smoking ma.. These are Muss." or "Lets have a Mug and a Muss"
by Denis L March 7, 2005
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The type of guy who shits on the side of the toilet to make less noise
by _-thanos-_ October 23, 2018
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