Word meaning "mall prostitute". Can be noun or verb. As a noun, refers to the mall prostitute herself. Blonde streaky blow-dried hair. Overly tight shirt (usually in bright easter egg colors) that exposes a fake-tanned midriff complete with sparkly navel piercing. Moving down, we discover her low-rise pants are two sizes too small, causing her fake-baked love handles to squish out over the top of her pink glitter belt. The pink thong sticks out above her low-rise pants, pulled up almost to waist-level, and serves to accentuate a large butterfly tattoo on her tailbone area. The too-small pants cause more difficulty when they act as a sausage casing for her thighs. Now she doesn't really walk-- she sort of crab-walks forward. Creak, creak, go the pants. Sometimes she will lose her balance and teeter on her Old Navy platform sandals (complete with giant plastic daisy glued to the top). Sexy, huh?
As a verb, it is used to denote the state of having one's thong underwear hanging out of one's pants, in plain view.
Noun: "Oh my god, look at that mostitute's stupid pink tube top." Verb: "I am totally mostituting. I shouldn't have bought these low-rise jeans."
by Sasha Bennet December 8, 2005
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"You think the north side of trees are mossy? You must have never seen a mostitute"
by John Joe239848 January 4, 2008
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