(n). 1.your hunny/ nickname for your girl.
a chick that won't leave u..cuz you got her sooooo wet its unbelievable

2. nickname for ur wifey, so no one notices u talkin about her
2. FRIENDS FOR THE BENEFITS ..(sexual healing)
1. mojita got soo wet for me tonite...she passed out.
2. Mojita will never leave mojo because, he done did some things to mesmerozie her
2. Whenevr Mojita sees mojo, she drops and gets wet on the spot
by F1F1 August 28, 2006
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What the fuck is a Mojita?
Hym "Blegh! Blegh.......... Blegh...."

Iam "What is it?"

Hym "Drink this! Drink it now!"

Iam "Ok.... Ugh! What IS that!?"

Hym "Mojita."

Iam "That... Does nothing to tell me what it is..."

Hym "Blegh... It tastes like someone spit mouthwash into some sparkling water.... Blegh..."

Iam "Here... Let me try it again..... Eugh! It's like drinking carbonated toothpaste!"

Hym "Blegh... Give it... Give it back... BLEGH! I can feel the probiotics crawling across my tongue... Blegh..."

Iam "Hereherehere... Blagh! It tastes... AND FEELS... Like I just threw up... Blagh... Like bile and stomach acid are coating my mouth..."

Hym "Stop hogging it all to yourself! It's like someone robbed a dentist's office of their spittle tanks... Carbonated it... And sold the byproduct for 3.89... Blegh..."

Iam "Blagh-Urgh!"

Hym "Blegh..."

Iam "Blagh..."
by Hym Iam August 20, 2023
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