pulling a McKinny is when you pretend to hit someone, but stop short.
aww you pulled a mckinny... I didnt know you were gay
by Will Lacy January 8, 2005
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A person of Scottish descent, typically blonde, who enjoys drinking and can often be found in a local pub. Applies to males and females, who also tend to be jovial and good humored.
"I always have a great time when there is a McKinnis around..."
by soymilkmuse August 18, 2008
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A cute human who is loved by another human and McKinnis can also have great sex with his/hers lover, if you’re a McKinnis then you’re cute
by weowsers November 12, 2019
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Angelina is a very nice person. She helps people in need. She does her best in school and loves her friends. She was bullied a lot. She is all about white boys! She falls in love to quickly. She is nice,pretty,kind of tall. She cant date till she is 16 years old. But she is in love with a boy that is too private to share name. She haves brown/blond hair. She have brown eyes. She is loyal and cute. She is also my bestfriend!
Angelina McKinnis is so cool!
by catiechickenstrip November 20, 2019
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