Synonymous with crap.
Something that won't go away no matter how hard you try to get rid of it.
iii) Something immune to subtle hints to get stuffed.
i) "You scared the mazzanet out of me!"
ii) "It keeps turning up like a mazzanet."
iii) "It was just like a mazzanet, wouldn't go away no matter what I said."
by Sticks May 25, 2003
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A total fucktard who just can't take a hint to get lost. A guy who has no life, and not even people on the net like him, so he has no chance in the real world.
I think I might do a mazzanet today and not have a life.
by Anonymous August 31, 2003
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something that sits there and idles without any real purpose.
my boss is a total mazzanet
by Anonymous May 27, 2003
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