of virgins. $12/ 60 cards = you got jacked, preteen!
"Best Cardgame" isn't saying much, to the dismay of two hundred thousand boner-nursing thirteen-year-olds clutching sticky binders full of bits of paper.
by Tom the Thumb February 6, 2005
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A card "game" played by the mentally underdeveloped so they do not have to interact with all those people who possess superior charm and intellect. Unfortunately for those who play this ridiculous game that constitutes just about everyone else. Their embarrassment at this obvious fact sees them concoct elaborate fictions about how great and complicated this games is. Essentially just a past time for morons.
Mike plays magic the gathering! What a tool. Surely anyone over the age 15 would have more sense.
by nds March 21, 2006
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The worlds gayest card game to ever walk to the earth played by gay people
My friend played Magic the gathering he’s gay
by Predton December 5, 2019
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