Your such a turd linger Robyn!
by PutPile September 12, 2006
when you're wanting to catch the attention of someone you're attracted to as you're passing by them , or are in conversation with them you place your hand on them ( lower back, hands, chest, etc.) and you have it linger a little longer then then you would in a normal situation...also known as performing the "T and L"
"When walking through a crowd you perform a touch and linger on person you're attracted to and slowly and gently move them out of the way, hoping to catch their attention"
by ALI Bmoney January 18, 2010
a potent musk resonating from your pointer,middle, and ring fingers after long hot night with a disheveled, unkempt woman
I took this girl home last night and stayed up all night with her hooking up, but when she left this morning all i could smell from my hands was the leftover linger finger.
by bigsmolz1 March 7, 2011
by lingeringleggirl December 7, 2009
What a girl calls it when she runs her finger down a guys arm or chest and lets it linger all the way down
by Dj Cupcake and Dj BearClaw October 11, 2009
Person who comes to your apartment and stays in your room even despite being unwanted. Initiates conversation then disappears when you turn around to respond. These guys are annoying as shit. They never leave. They bug me out.
Ghost lingerer walks into victim's apartment:
"Hey, can I use your computer?"
"Okay, thanks. I'll install my video game on it and play it for 9 hours straight."
"Lingerer, man. L-I-N-G-E-R-E-R. Bugs me out!"
"Hey, can I use your computer?"
"Okay, thanks. I'll install my video game on it and play it for 9 hours straight."
"Lingerer, man. L-I-N-G-E-R-E-R. Bugs me out!"
by Chet Hendar March 7, 2009
A person who loses all their money at the casino but hangs around watching the tables without playing for an extended period after they are out.
After Jesse lost all his money on roulette....
Sam: "Come on Jesse lets go home"
Jesse: "Hold on man I know zero is coming up, I've just gotta see it"
Sam: "dude you don't even have any chips to play"
Jesse: "It's coming man"
Sam: "You're such a casino lingerer
Sam: "Come on Jesse lets go home"
Jesse: "Hold on man I know zero is coming up, I've just gotta see it"
Sam: "dude you don't even have any chips to play"
Jesse: "It's coming man"
Sam: "You're such a casino lingerer
by Browntown154 October 15, 2010