A common misspelling of the word "liege" often made my blonde individuals.

For other uses, see "my ligy" "ecta tera" or "surmise"
Actual Phrase

Polonius: I will send thee to my liege

Blonde Translation

Sophia: I will send thee to a ligy ecta tera
by Connaki-99.95.ATAR June 24, 2009
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is a person that is in love with a man named Tu'u also known as Lil VDogg or VDogg2.
Oh look, its Ligi! (someone that is in love with Tu'u also known as Lil VDogg or VDogg2.)
by BrilliantDummy November 23, 2021
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an emo roid addicted type thing that sings to himself all the time and brags about girls that he never had
Guy1: hey man i seen this jackass walking down the street singing and i told him to lay off the roids

Guy2: yea man thats what we call a ligi, watch out they cut themselves! dont get any on you!

Guy1: wow man im lucky to be alive, im glad i didnt get attacked by roid rage
by Hellrazer360 April 4, 2008
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