A super protective lesbian who will throw hands with her gay son's boyfriend if her son gets hurt
"My lesbian dad is gonna flip when she figures out my boyfriend and I broke up..."
by Thatgaykid13 September 7, 2020
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1)The "Lesbian Dad-bod" is a Female body type that is not quite as pronounced as the typical Dad-bod as they let themselves get a bit overweight, it has more to do with the appearance of a strong parental figure with a tank-top, jeans, boots, and the all important BELT that will threaten your butt if you don't do as she demands.
ex) Shaela - "Woah, Becky has got that Lesbian Dad-bod , she has that spank me, peg me, and order me to clean my bedroom vibe that satisfies both my mommy and daddy issues and needs in a forever relationship."
by TransMomma August 13, 2021
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One of the most catastrophical insults on the internet. It can only be used by the most savage individuals. People affected by the insult usually die through instant cardiac arrest or suffer from permanent PTSD.
Anton: Lol ur mom double gay.
Gab: You'll need more than that to insult me.
Anton: Ur dad lesbian.
Gab: *heart fucking explodes*
by Bible boy March 8, 2018
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Way worse insult then โ€œyour mom gayโ€
It is a phrase used to fill people
Jack: your mom gay:
You: your dad lesbian
Jack: *dies*
by Hamlethasaids March 13, 2018
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ur mom gay but so much worse
common side effects of being told this include spontaneous combustion, death, death, COVID-21, erectile dysfunction and death
jimmy: ur mom gay
timmy: ur dad lesbian
jimmy: *combusts*
by JaceTheFryingPan December 7, 2021
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A deadly and a very rare insult used by the victims of "your mom gay". When this phrase is used, victim's dick will become inside out almost resembling the vagina, rendering depression obliging them to kill themselves at instant.
Paul: Dude, my dad fucked your mom today and now your mom is gay.
Nibba Greg: And your dad lesbian.
Paul: moans and dies
by Just a nibba tryna help February 17, 2018
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