The leothong is most ingenious piece of sartorial engineering ever thought up. Masculine, yet intriguing, it is most likely made from spun gold, thus it's luminous shimmer. So outstanding., so extraordinary it is, that it was made for the only person to have been able to pull off such a dynamic and wondrous outfit- the legend Michael Jackson for his Dangerous World Tour.

Like him, the leothong speaks to the masses, yet is beguiling enough to be enjoyed by the intelligentsia. It’s elegantly simple,-yet exquisitely complex, brilliantly incandescent, yet breathtakingly modest (a pair of pants are worn underneath it, thus completing the outfit)

It’s the epitome of sartorial ingenuity, it's sex expressed as clothing, it's the outfit of angels, the fashion of kings.

It’s simply incredible.
I think the leothong is Michael Jackson's best outfit.

I agree!
by glassglass November 12, 2009
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A leothong is a leotard with only thong coverage in back. They typically tend to be hideous and are mainly only worn by dancers or performers of extreme courage and determination. They typically tend to be nude and have signatures on them after the performance is all through and they are no longer in use anymore.
Nude leothong with no butts...such as the ones worn by the girls chorus of rchs's aida!
by Leothong Lover March 15, 2009
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