Kurdy is fuckin class, I wish I was him.
by Kugdog April 19, 2019
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A Kurdy is someone of unknown race. Has been described as Mexican, Italian, Indian, or Asian, depending on the amount of and style of facial hair at the time.
Guy 1: "I was trying to get that Mexican guy to help me order burritos in spanish and he's just ignoring me"
Guy 2: "That's because he's Asian, not Mexican, he's a Kurdy, I know, it's hard to tell"
by non nuk December 1, 2011
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West African word in there language

Word to describe East Africans to do with there pirate like heradacy

Describes there malnourished/farmer looking faces

Condescending term normally to abuse or alternative to calling them n*gga or slave.
That mali is a f*ckin kurdi

How dare he call me jerrar, dirty kurdi
by klmdays December 21, 2022
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a person who is full of themselves but cool sometimes
you are acting like a kurdis
by my goatdefs November 28, 2017
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A person who has royal blood from the gods themselves. They are beautiful and magnificent which gives them extreme amounts of confidence. They can be brutally honest, but means well. They believe their better than everyone, and they hate peasant like people. Finally, they crave attention and no one in the world will understand then expect for the Gods themselves.
I can't believe you're so self-centered just like a Kurdis!!
by Kurdisezzy13@gmail.com May 20, 2019
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A rude way of saying “Kurd” in English, commonly used by Iraqis as an insult.
Person 1: *pours milk then adds cereal*
Person 2: “what are you? A fucking Kurdi?”
by Keemotherapy December 3, 2019
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