someone who tidys themselves below the belt. many people know this from porn movies or want to be in a hair free interaction with another hair free individual.
by kstyles July 25, 2011
Well-kempt is redundant. The word kempt means neat, tidy, well-groomed. Its opposite is unkempt;a slovenly person. In popular usage, however, we usually prefix kempt with well - as in, he's well-kempt. On the other hand, it is entirely wrong to define a neat guy by saying he's well-kept - unless he's a gigilo or hustler, being more than adequately paid.
by Charles Panati May 10, 2008
a dude that knows how to rap and get good streams at 16 but does not know how to release schoolastic book fair 3 only the 2nd and 1st one.
-exulqnsis16 on twitter lmao >:)
-exulqnsis16 on twitter lmao >:)
by axtoniaa April 15, 2022
A person who has a stupid bird
by Summer lee berry Kempt April 26, 2020
by Summer lee berry Kempt April 26, 2020