Feeling sick or nauseous after hearing about the Kavanaugh trials and voting.
“Man, I am feeling so kavanauseous after hearing that Brett Kavanaugh is getting voted to be confirmed on the Supreme Court.”
by tenbees October 5, 2018
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The feeling you are ready to vomit after going 100 kegs or bust at Beach Week.
I’m gonna be a member of the Beach Week Ralph Club for sure! Man o’ man, am I Kavanauseous!
by Randspan October 2, 2018
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A common misspelling of kavanauseated.
How can you drink 4 beers and not be kavanauseous.

I'm fine, and it's kavanauseated, not kavanauseous.
by ClearlyACripCar November 1, 2018
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That feeling you get after drinking so much that get sick and then try to convince your wife that you vomited because you ate spicy food; a hangover tainted by shame and rage.
Ashley: I told you to switch to seltzer! But no, you had to keep up with the boys. No wonder you spent the night praying to the porcelain god.
Brett (feeling Kavanauseous): Shut up! I only got sick because you made me eat that srirachi mayo shit!
by I. Stillikebeer October 6, 2018
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