A portmanteau of "Karma" and "Armageddon." References "shit hitting the fan" in an extreme way while acknowledging one's contributions to that event.
Specifically, when all the (usually unpleasant) stuff you've done comes back to you at once.
The only way out is to take your licking, batten the hatches, pull back, and deal with the stuff one by one.
Specifically, when all the (usually unpleasant) stuff you've done comes back to you at once.
The only way out is to take your licking, batten the hatches, pull back, and deal with the stuff one by one.
Man, my license was revoked for not paying those speeding tickets, my car got the boot from those unpaid parking tickets, bill collectors are calling, work's a mess from my calling in "sick," and my girlfriend found out about the affair when the other girl stopped by our place... Argh, it's karmageddon!
by grailer July 14, 2008
It's like, when when everybody is sending off these really bad vibes, right? And then, like,the Earth explodes and it's like a real bummer....
by seregil November 3, 2004
When there is so much karma due, that there is no need for a battle between good and evil. Karma just comes in and sweeps the evil ones off the planet.
by Pissed at evil doers November 12, 2013
The moment when an accumulation of bad deeds catches up to you and manifests in the form of a catestrophic end-of-world type sceanrio. Usually preceeded by a feeling of impending doom.
by rac3hel August 12, 2011
It's when everybody is sending off all these really bad vibes, and then the Earth explodes and it's a serious bummer.
by Miss Know it All May 12, 2007
It's like, when everybody is sending off all these really bad vibes, right? And then, like, the Earth explodes and it's, like, a serious bummer.
by Oracle99 April 18, 2003
Is where people of the Karma Army (Join Me - A collective based around doing Random Acts Of Kindness) meet once a year usually in London to celebrate and help spread the word though present giving. The leader Danny Wallace (Created it but was then later voted leader democratically) gives speaches and awards. For Imformation go to www.join-me.co.uk or buy the Book Join Me by Danny Wallace
by Thomas Grimwood December 12, 2003