a brother whos not in the right state of mind. it is derived from the two words "crack" and "joke".
yiaow, fo rizzla, you be trippin' cracka jacka!
by [$w!$$] p'n'p March 13, 2004
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Jacka ma dikoff is the kindest person you will ever meet. He has the fatest cock imaginable and will do anything to please it. If you know a Jacka ma dikoff you are the luckiest person and you should do anything to keep him. Jacka's are the ultimate sexy machine and can go all night if you know what I mean.

to find a Jacka ma dikoff search for a wild fuck boy and follow him to his vape dealer after finding the dealer and buying one he will appear in front of you and begin fucking you.
person.1 hey look it's a wild Jacka ma dikoff.

person 2 watch out if he sees you he will begin rapping you.
by jacka ma dikoff October 28, 2019
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Peter Ramirez... the bro i use to know... Someone who jacks your per capita behind your back. Taking all of your Birth Right money from you being of Indian descent.
The per capa jacka really thought he was gonna get away with this.
by Likalotapus October 7, 2020
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A gangster white male who most likely beats his wife and kids
Jesus: look Phil here comes a cracka jacka!
by JorgeHat March 10, 2021
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This word "Jacka**" is the censored word version and
How the F**k are you jacka** I'm f**k dead and I'm the *Dead by food poisoning*
by Mister names April 12, 2024
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