1. having given up on finding anything interesting on Facebook, Facebook Idling involves sitting in front of the Facebook Newsfeed, just waiting for another update that you know won't be any more interesting than the last

2. as opposed to Facebook Stalking, a much more far-reaching and comprehensive way of wasting your entire life
Person A: "You must be Facebook Stalking hard right now man; you're not even clicking the mouse!"
Person B: "Actually, I'm Facebook Idling. I need to know what all my acquaintances are doing rather than just investigating one."

Person A: "Dude, are you Facebook Stalking that girl again?"
Person B: "Nah, I've got enough info on her. Now I'm just Facebook Idling, waiting for her to post something."
by faboer January 17, 2013
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"If you leave your vehicle's engine running during a delay in proceeding (traffic-jam, road construction, accident-resolution, "stuck" red signal-light, etc.), you will be sitting there for many minutes, just wasting gas. The instant you turn the key off and climb out of your seat to stretch, however, THAT'S when the line of traffic will begin moving again, and thus you will have shut off your engine "for nothing", AND you will now be holding up everyone behind you while you hastily hop back into the driver's seat and re-start the engine so that you can move forward again."
I finally took da plunge and bought a second-hand Toyota Prius because I'd eventually had one too many cases of Murphy's Law of Engine-Idling Duration... the Prius automatically shuts down its power during stand-stills, and then uses its electric motor to provide instant mobility as soon as you're ready to go again.
by QuacksO October 21, 2018
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(of a person) avoiding work; lazy.
"idle students"
lazy · indolent · slothful · work-shy · shiftless · loafing · more
without purpose or effect; pointless.
"he did not want to waste valuable time in idle chatter"
frivolous · trivial · trifling · minor · petty · foolish · more
spend time doing nothing.
"four men were idling outside the shop
do nothing · be inactive · vegetate · sit back ·
(of an engine) run slowly while disconnected from a load or out of gear.
"the car is noisily idling in the street"
tick over · run slowly in neutral
i'm idle today just lazy
by Ella the fox March 21, 2022
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I'm very idle
by Out of options May 23, 2022
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