The correct term for this word is actually idiocy it rolls easier off the tongue, oh and you don't have to come to the urban dictionary to find the actual definition
by DefDigital October 23, 2015
The act of being a complete idiot. Some people believe it is a common and brash word, but it is a true word.
you show such idiotness
by garian111111111111111 July 24, 2006
person 1: "Is that guy retarded or something?"
person 2: "No hes just an idiotic idiot."
person 1: "oh"
person 2: "No hes just an idiotic idiot."
person 1: "oh"
by mustard odockerty June 27, 2009
by Intel February 7, 2005
by ed\'s neighbor (and friend) October 12, 2003