by efforia December 17, 2015
by w0wwwwwwwwwww October 31, 2013
by Whysocolddonttakemysmurfshoes November 6, 2019
What you say when you’re cooking and someone walks into the kitchen saying “Mmmmm.... it smells so good in here!”
As I slave away at the stove, cooking dinner for my party guests, one of my buddies wives says Mmmmmm... it smells so good in here! My response: I just farted.
by goodlord! January 5, 2021
Samah: Look at all this amazing food!
Jonathan: Wow! OMFG!!! So much foood!!! I just came.
Sweeta: Look! Free porn!
Jonathan: Uh oh. I just came.
Jonathan: Wow! OMFG!!! So much foood!!! I just came.
Sweeta: Look! Free porn!
Jonathan: Uh oh. I just came.
by asswhole_with_a_dubya February 15, 2010
1: (Says the funniest thing ever)
1: Isn't that the funniest thing you've ever heard?!
2: OMG, I just died!
1: Isn't that the funniest thing you've ever heard?!
2: OMG, I just died!
by PP3A2 December 13, 2009
by i just morbed June 5, 2022