Mountain bike or BMX term. Noun.

A circumstance where a rider has an opportunity to get airborne. Most often a feature or landmark that would not normally be used as a launch pad.
I was biking along and saw a loading dock that looked like a great hopportunity.
by Totally not Eli ;) April 22, 2016
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When you give a Soviet scientist a chance to drive away and he has to come crawling back because his 7-foot monster friend knows he talked.
Joyce Byers: Jim, he's started the car, and I'm pretty sure he's driving away!
by Max-i-mooo July 8, 2019
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What you give a rabbit if you leave da door to his cage open.
Two cage-doors accidentally got left open in da local rabbit warren, those of a male and a female bunny. Talk about a "double hopportunity" --- not only could da boy-rabbit get loose, but he had a chance to "jump da bones" of da girl-rabbit!
by QuacksO January 31, 2023
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