The best way to describe that one friend in the group that is the nicest and the most inocent. The one who doesn't judge the dumb shit you get the group to do or talk about.

is usually very quirky

A meme aficionado.
Me: says "heck"
Holy boi: says nothing but "banned"
We laugh
by TASERFACE January 26, 2018
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coolest fuckin school ever, i went there. was insane.

they even had a movie made about it called young plato, awesome

saw these 2 cousins have a scrap about 15 times in that movie. I told you, it is a WACKY INSANE place.
Person 1: im bored asf
Ardoyne: come roun holy cross boys
Person 1: ok
Person 1:I've been arrested for being an adult and going to school, what now Ardoyne
Ardoyne: shit one son
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Used primarily by peguis ojibways for a term when something is over the top, too much, or simply when no other definition can fit the situation.
Holy heck boy, just drank the whole 2L in one gulp - ever sick
by Nighthawkfrompeguis July 7, 2019
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An expression used when someone is really cool or something crazy went down.
Guy 1: *does backflip*
Guy 2: Holy Boy!
Guy 1: Did you hear about that fight that went on?
Guy 2: A fight? Holy boy...
by thegermansniper October 1, 2017
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