something said when an action is not safe.
or when someone needs time and asks other to "wait up"
mostly used in southern Illinois, areas like Shelbyville.
originated by a polish refinery worker.
by happycamper2193 August 28, 2010
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A large quantity of hand rolled cigarettes.
"Hey, do we have enough smokes for tonight?"

"Rolled a hode, we'll be alright for a while."
by SteelWubbs December 26, 2011
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A term used to describe the act of using wet wipes to clean excrement from your anus.
Dude #1: ewww do you smell that?
Dude #2: no
Dude #1: how do you not smell that?
Dude #2: smell what?
Dude #1: i know you farted Dude #2
Dude #2: so
Dude #1: it smells like you shit yourself
Dude #2: i did but i tp'ed
Dude #1: Fuck Dude #2, you gotta Hodes that!
by bleepblop December 7, 2008
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How Robin Hood was spelled in his Ballads.
Lythe and listin, gentilmen,
That be of frebore blode;
I shall you tel of a gode yeman,
His name was Robyn Hode.
by RobbintheHoddlum May 16, 2010
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Originally a monster from MMORPG game Ragnarok, with appearance of worm and usually spawn in desert area.

Hode has becomes a slang word especially among gamers, which meaning as a boy that likes to pretend to be a girl in online gaming community, because of some reasons:

1) The rising cases of boys pretending to be a girl in the same timeline as the Ragnarok online game booming. Usually they pretends to be girls to receive various free items and gifts in online games given by other male player, since usually most of the gamer community are male and tends to like a female player.
2) The appearance of Hode monster are close resembling to a male penis.

See also: Trap (Slang)
Don't believe this scam player. It's a hode.
by KazeLight August 18, 2021
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A generally negative event or sequence of events.
That match was fucking hode bro.
by elithia April 29, 2019
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