Taking psilocybe mushrooms and MDMA (ecstacy) together. Actually regarded quite highly within the drug subculture. The effects rarely last longer than 8 hours. The effects of the MDMA lend a very upbeat feeling to the user, usually resulting in a positive mushroom trip. Because MDMA is a fairly "reliable" good high, but mushrooms aren't (there can be bad trips), the MDMA high helps to stabablize the mushroom trip.
by WILDmushroomSHROOMER October 31, 2006
by MofoSam June 9, 2003
To ingest both ecstasy and psychedelic mushrooms. Candy flipping is mixing LSD and ecstasy. Although some might think hippie flipping is combining LSD and mushrooms, this is incorrect. There might be some areas where people define it this way, but the VAST majority of people define hippie flipping as combining ecstasy and mushrooms. It's drug slang, so majority rules. Google it and you will find this to be 100% true. Trust Erowid, Shroomery, BlueLight, Mycotopia, etc over one person on Urban Dictionary.
Did you guys hippie flip last night?
We made shroom tea and followed it by plugging a liquid solution of two e pills. I've never laughed so hard in my entire life.
We made shroom tea and followed it by plugging a liquid solution of two e pills. I've never laughed so hard in my entire life.
by dankoni April 10, 2009
Combining mushrooms and ecstasy. In the early 2000s it was also known as an mx missile, for mushrooms and ecstasy. Back then ecstasy was ecstasy, which is now referred to as Molly by younger people in the 2010s.
Let's hippy flip tonight.
by Solid Mantis March 11, 2016
by psyched substance June 9, 2016
by chillcat May 30, 2003
When a person mixes Mush With Extacy two of my favourite drugs personally this is a intense mixture. Visuals are intensified, hysteric laughing is a guarntee.
Tyler: Yo nathan look what I got *Bag of shrooms* Nathan: Oh SICK look what i got *Bag of pills* Both: HIPPIE FLIP!!!!!!!!!
by Haunted.x. October 3, 2006