16 definitions by chillcat

heroin users version of a crack house
he od'd over at the shooting gallery
by chillcat May 30, 2003
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a nick name for the nintendo game system that pretty much speaks for itself. constant video gaming + no friends
What you going to play nofriendo all night long or are you going out.
by chillcat May 30, 2003
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someone who sucks sperm out of an asshole usually with a straw
by chillcat May 30, 2003
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Miami slang for bud that is good or kind
Hey you got the crippies or just the regs.
by chillcat May 30, 2003
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Invented by skateboarder Christian Hosoi, the skater grabs the board out from under them, does a christ on the cross pose in mid air, with arms spread, and then returns the board to there feet to land.
He pulled a christ air over the spline
by chillcat May 30, 2003
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a skate boarding air in which the skater turns 540 degrees or 720 degrees. called a mctwist because it was invented by Mike Mcgill
Tony Hawk once pulled 4 mctwist in a row in Chicago
by chillcat May 30, 2003
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when there's a median lane that cars going in both directions can turn left in.
we almost went head on with another car in the suicide lane
by chillcat May 30, 2003
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