School for spoiled rich kids who have the excuse of being Jewish to pretend that they are diverse.
Me: Moshee from Heschel got mugged. David: Then where was his bodyguard and driver?
by living dick...tionary November 24, 2019
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If you go to heschel you are rich and spoiled. Yo Brett want to go to Starbucks (pulls out hundred dollars)
by Yeetedit December 24, 2019
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A school full of rich liberal assholes and whiny bitches. The teachers only work there because they couldn't get into a union. The school is to afraid to let you do anything that could somehow lead to harm because it is ruled by a bunch of entitled parents.
Did you just make a joke? OMG you're so racist/sexist/homophobic, I am seriously offended, now I'm gonna have to report you to the principle and get you kicked ouy of the heschel school!
by Spawn of the devil December 7, 2019
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a very rich and preppy person who lives on the upper west side of manhattan. their saturday nights usually consist of seeing a PG-13 movie and then getting frozen yogurt. an absolutely pitiful sight to behold.
Person A: "yo did u see those heschel kids walking out of starbucks?"

Person B: "yeah man ive never seen anything gayer in my life."
by snoop52 December 7, 2009
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