the prettiest little girl in the world.. she's very quiet, sweet, and smart. she always wears slippers and bows
herman "who is that pretty girl over there?? she's the best!"

mom "that is lady hermance.. come along, I'll introduce you!"
by LOUIS S June 20, 2008
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Intimidating at first, usually gives off bad bitch & mean girl energy, but is the sweetest girl once you get to know her. Impulsive, with an obsession for hookah.
“Why is that girl death staring us..”
Oh that’s just Hermance, she probably thinks we’re pretty.”
by Hermanceeunice November 22, 2021
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from colloquial bromance (an intense friendship between guys) and the Spanish "hermana, hermano"
a gender-neutral bromance; a friendship between any two (or, plausibly, more) people that stretches the boundaries of a normal friendship without becoming a romantic relationship
pronunciation: hermance, ehrmance, airmance
"Genna and Dave aren't dating, are they? Because I swear they're dating."
"Naw, man, they just have a super intense hermance."
by g76r5 June 22, 2012
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