A variation of the term, "hell yeah," except if you accidentally type it, you're an idiot and you're also smelly.
"I got a A on my last exam! Hej grej!"
"Bro, you're so fucking stupid. Make out with me?"
by bypassingoverride November 27, 2020
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Hej Kalle! Hi Alex litterally means Hi
by DrSmartflyers January 7, 2022
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Danish word for Hi or Hello
"Hej med dig!"

by randomcaviarpizza October 5, 2017
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The word hej means hello in swedish
Hej jag heter Adam jag vill klippa mig och skaffa mig ett jobb.
by CedFil900 November 1, 2019
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A Danish word with the friendly gesture of saying hello, this word said twice can also mean goodbye, hej hej is mostly used on telephone calls tho.
Hej hvordan går det.
Hej hej
by helo26638 May 13, 2024
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