go urban

The act of searching something up on Urban Dictionary. Since Google has a name for searching something up on Google (google it), why not Urban Dictionary have one too?
Meg: "What's does cock mean...?"
Stewie: "It has something to do with tea-bags."
Meg: "what...?"
Stewie: "Go urban."
by uhnonehmus. August 29, 2009
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nothing isn't as worth as life, dont worry about yourself and keep on the way of life
a situation kick the ass of life and lets go (Turkish Urban Idioms)
children who flunked in class and took father cars to go to end of year party without permission
by STS07 May 12, 2011
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When you type a bunch of nonsense such as ',./;'#-=', and then Urban Dictionary crashes, you find this page.
And we're assuming that you decided to copy and paste this.
UD: Urban Dictionary is busy right now. Please try again later or go to Urban Dictionary's front page.

Me: bugger off
by Milkiekid March 27, 2021
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Urban Dictionary is busy right now. Please try again later or go to Urban Dictionary's front page.

Something that appears when you just put the randomest crap in the search bar then break urban dictionary. Really, what did you expect here other than literal text? Did you think you'd be original?

by qhantomia. June 27, 2022
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