v. Taking Ginkgo Biloba to improve memory, esp. at an age typically younger than when memory loss may begin.
Bro, didn't you say that "this is the most effed up video I've ever seen" the last time you posted a video? It's time you start ginkgoing.
I'm losing my mind! I need a sugar daddy so I can afford to begin ginkgoing.
I'm losing my mind! I need a sugar daddy so I can afford to begin ginkgoing.
by NeuroDetour January 13, 2010
The one supplement guaranteed to enhance your performance on homework, tests, and everything in between. Ginkgo increases the flow of blood to your brain, although no real study has been performed by the FDA or large research groups the supplement is often used to enhance memory on a short-term basis. Note, taken with coffee will increase the effect, but is not recommended.
by ron2d2 February 8, 2009
An uncountable, immeasurable part of an eldritch abomination, where the veins and sinews of the leaf are indistinguishable from the pulsing, unknowable flesh of the ancient, cosmic horror. To gaze upon a Ginkgo leaf is to peer into the infinite abyss, to glimpse the fractals of madness that lie beyond the veil of our meager understanding. The Ginkgo leaf is both beautiful and terrifying, a window into realms that defy all human comprehension.
“The worshippers of the Great Old One trembled as they laid the Ginkgo leaf upon the altar, its veined surface shifting and pulsing with a life of its own, calling out to the unspeakable entity that lurked beyond the boundaries of reality.”
by HappyCleaner82 September 24, 2024
Is when you have a woman with a dirty pussy drop her vaginal discharge into your food to add extra flavor
Andy said his pasta was kinda dry so he had Alicia add some of her ginkgo sauce to spice it up a little
by Drugalot March 21, 2023