Someone who hates mediocrity, an overachiever, always doing his/her best in everything, is not satisfied with "it's okay"; it has to be "it's great!"
1) He can never settle for anything less than what's best for him because of the gimper in him.
2) That's such a gimper move bro, running two miles instead of the one mile that coach asked.
3) Gimpers never quit.
by Ardor Mentor June 21, 2010
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A poser. One who tries to hard to be what he is not.
Similar to a gaper, but used in a more broad sense.
by Suburban December 27, 2003
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A knee from one person targeted at another's leg on the outside above the knee but below the hip.
Dude,that gimper you gave me last night really hurt.
by Donk Man January 17, 2006
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A gimper is someone who thinks hes Hard and tries to be the center of attention all the time.
Look at that gimper over there trying to fight with everyone.

That gimper just sold me shit hash hes always trying to act gangster.
by ganja89 September 26, 2010
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The absolute most laziest fucks you've ever even heard of in your life. They lay around all day every day hogging every bit of Internet bandwidth looking up things that lower their IQ and further their paranoia about everything. They also wonder why they can't find employment although they've never even attempted to fill out an application with all their bandwidth hogging. They would attempt to wash a dish occasionally but after breaking an arm trying to lift a tablespoon with their little toothpicks they no longer attempt to try. These gimper Boyz epitomize laziness in every way possible. They also don't own a real stereo but sometimes attempt to crank their music on their crappy little computer speakers.
Those Gimper Boyz sure are some worthless sons of bitches. I'm surprised they didn't get winded walking all the way from the couch to the computer chair.
by Blindwilliesyphillis July 1, 2017
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Another word for "FAGGOT". In terms of being rude or an asshole.
I'm tired of you keep nagging me, you're being a real Gimper.
by Khid2Dubb November 30, 2016
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