An exclamation telling someone that they need to get an ear coning.
Used if someone misheard or misunderstood what you told them.
Ear Coning is often done at salons or spas to remove wax from one's ears. Often times hearing is improved.
Asha: Hey I told you that the package needed to be shipped on Monday!
Dietur: No, you said it could be shipped whenever was convienent.
Asha: Dude, Get Coned!! I said it needed to go out on Monday no matter what!!


J: what did you say? I didn't hear you.
B: I said lets go.
J: huh, say that again?
B: Dude GET CONED! I said, Let's GO!
by Asha make discoteque September 12, 2007
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To be sexually assaulted in the rear
Getting coned- to be sexuall assulted in the rear by a penis
by Stevez July 18, 2017
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To "get my cone on" refers to having sex with a bald man aka Conehead
Are you looking forward to tonight's date with Mike?
Hell yeah, going to get my cone on with that hot bald man
by Pootsicatsa August 14, 2017
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