gekyume foreskin

an expensive plate of food at a very expensive restaurant

priced for 6 jahcoins
person: yeah can i get gekyume foreskin please
person 2: yeah that will be 6 jahcoins
by bruhmomentlord October 4, 2019
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Gekyumes Foreskin

The magical powers of Lord Young Dagger Dicks son Gekyumes Foreskin is not to be joked about. It brings a dagger dick to who posses the foreskin.
yo bro I ate Gekyumes Foreskin
by Lord and savoir Jah June 5, 2019
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on gekyumes foreskin

that shi you say when you wanna b serious
"on god?"
"bish, on gekyumes foreskin, you know i wouldnt cap on this holy relic"
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