When you play a game for so long without blinking and your eyes start to water.
Dude I was playing Call of Duty for so long that I got gamer tears because I didn't blink.
by V1X3N_86 October 2, 2015
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Gamer tears is the white liquid produced by men when they proceed to masturbate (aka semen), in this case those who are gamers.
Man! Yesterday my gf drank my gamer tears when she was sucking it!
by Horsey.TikTok January 19, 2019
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When you reminisce on the O.G. Times of gaming and it brings a Gamer Tear to your eye 😢.
Man I miss the good old days when everyone in game chat would talk. Brings a gamer tear to my eye.
by ThomasHavingFun November 15, 2018
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